Use Type K per ASTM B 88 or ASTM B 819 or Type ACR per ASTM B 280 copper
tubing or for all tubes 1 1/8” and smaller.
Tubes 1 3/8” and larger shall use Type K per ASTM B 88 or ASTM B 819.
Cap sections of tube and components that are not actively being installed to prevent
infiltration of moisture and contaminants.
Use only braze alloy to join tube.
The selection of filler metals is highly dependent on the tube fit, clearance, and
operator preference for flow. When flux is to be used, care should be taken to
ensure that the flux is not introduced to the inside of the tube. It is recommended
that phosphorous bearing alloys be considered for copper to copper connections
due to their self-fluxing on copper to copper joints. Refer to alloy manufacturer’s
guidelines for details on compatibility.
Flow nitrogen into tubing to prevent the formation of copper oxides.
Copper oxides form rapidly when copper is heated to temperatures required by the
brazing process and exposed to oxygen in the air. Copper oxides flake easily on
the inside of the tubing and dislodge easily when the system is filled with
refrigerant and oil. The particulate can move throughout the system and cause
contamination on valves and other critical components. System filters may become
Flowing nitrogen into the system and ensuring that the inside of the tube is
significantly free from oxygen while brazing ensures that oxides do not form. As the
last joints of a system are made, additional thought must be made on the location
where the nitrogen can escape. Schrader valves are placed throughout the system.
These valves can be opened to allow for nitrogen to flow without generating
pressure behind the braze joint that is being created.
See Section 5.1.1 for special procedures related to compressor replacements.
Replace liquid line filter dryer as last step in system repair. Note that the dryer will readily
absorb moisture from the ambient air and must be open only for as long as required for
After completion of all repairs, pressure test system using nitrogen pressure decay test or
nitrogen with tracer gas and appropriate leak detector.
Desert Aire - LC/LV Manual