Attach it to the metal grommet at the end of the long, blue crystal tube.
Press on the pink O-ring to remove the pink tube attached to the waste container from the machine.
Attach the pink tube from the waste filter to the other end of the short blue tube from the spare parts kit
which is already connected to the blue tube coming out of the machine.
Return to the front of the machine.
Increase the vacuum pressure by turning the knob all the way to the right.
Turn on the machine.
Let the machine run for one minute.
When the machine stops, remove the short blue tube that you just installed.
Return the short blue tube to the spare parts kit.
Reconnect the long blue tube to the crystal container
Reconnect the pink tube to the waste-filter connection.
Run the machine.
The MegaPeel should now be receiving crystals.
Steam can cause clogging problems. We do not recommend keeping your machine in the same room as
a steamer, if you do not have a choice the following information can help you keep your system running
Please do not store your crystals in the same room as a steamer.
Keep the protective cap and recap your crystals at night.
Store crystals in a dry place (not under the sink or in the same treatment room as the steamer).