Point of use:
Remove excess soil with disposable cloth or paper.
Containment and Transportation:
Protect the LED from damage. Reprocess as soon
as is reasonably practical following use. Lighted
Sleeves left standing wet may stain.
Cleaning: manual
• Disassemble the Lighted Sleeve from the
Handpiece. Rinse under running water to remove
any gross debris.
• Wipe Handpiece and Lighted Sleeve with a cloth
saturated with multi-purpose cleaner and rinse
with running water. Discard used cloth. Dry with
a clean cloth.
Disinfection of the Steri-Mate™ Light is not
necessary prior to steam autoclave sterilization.
With Lighted Sleeve and Handpiece disassembled,
place instruments into a paper or paper/plastic
steam sterilization pouch. The instruments may be
loaded into dedicated instrument trays.
Use a steam autoclave. Place bagged instruments
into the steam autoclave, paper side up when using
a paper/plastic pouch. After warm-up is completed,
operate at a sterilizing temperature and pressure
of 273ºF/134ºC to 279ºF/137ºC and pressure of
31psi/216kPa for 3 to 12 minutes.