DCM390 Serial Interface Specification
Date 25.Apr.’06
5 page of 40
Command format and answer format
The DCM380X uses commands each of which consists of a data row (some commands no need PC) composed of
command codes (CC) and parameter codes (PC). The host shall be designed to send block check characters (BCC)
following ETX, with the data row enclosed in STX (text start: 0x02) and ETX (text termination: 0x03). The DCM380X
shall complete command receive with correct BCC codes.
Here are the formats.
Commands <STX> <CC> <PC0> <PC1> <PC2> <………..> <PCn> <ETX> <BCCH><BCCL>
STX (Start of TeXt)
CC (Command Code)
Command code
PC (Parameter Code)
Number of parameters is defined for each command.
ETX (End of Text)
BCC (Block Check Character)
CC + PC0 + PC1 + PC2 + + PCn + ETX = XY (hex)
Each of X and Y is 4 bit long, X, Y=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A, B, C, D, E, F
BCCH is an ASCII code converted from X (higher 4 bits of sum) and BCCL is converted from Y (lower 4 bit of sum).
BCCH and BCCL are ASCII coded data.
Answers <STX> <CC> <AC> <PC0> <PC1> <PC2> <> <PCn> <ETX><BCCH><BCCL>
STX (Start of TeXt)
RC (Reply Code)
Reply code (=Command code)
AC (Answer Code)
PC (Parameter Code)
Number of parameters is defined for each command.
ETX (End of TeXt)
BCC (Block Check Character)
CC + PC0 + PC1 + PC2 + + PCn + ETX = XY (hex)
Each of X and Y is 4 bit long, X, Y=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A, B, C, D, E, F
BCCH is an ASCII code converted from X (higher 4 bits of sum) and BCCL is converted from Y (lower 4 bit of sum).
BCCH and BCCL are ASCII coded data.