Parameters and speci
ca ons of pulsed magne c
Field types:
• «traveling»
eld where series exci ng of all the inductor coils occurs;
• «sta onary»
eld where simultaneous exci ng of all the inductor coils occurs.
Opera on modes
are summarized in the Table 1.
The device provides work for 8 hours in the recursive short- me mode: The ex-
posure me is 20 minutes for all the modes followed by 10 minutes idle period. The
exposure me is set automa cally on program selec on.
During opera on, the device is resistant to clima c factors at ambient temper-
atures of +10 °
to +35 °
and a rated value of rela ve humidity of 80% at 25 °
During transporta on, the device is resistant to clima c factors at ambient tem-
peratures of -50 °
to +50 °
, and in storage packaged, it is resistant to ambient
temperatures of -50 °
to +40 °
The average service life is 5 years.
The easily touched parts of the device are made of biosafety materials. Outer
surfaces of the device’s components are resistant to chemical disinfec on using any
disinfectant solu on approved for use in medical prac ce to protect the plas c and
metal items.
The maximum temperature on the surface of inductor coils contac ng with the
human body is not more than +41 °C, for the control unit surface, the maximum
temperature is +45 °C.
The exposure (magne c
eld treatment dura on) is set automa cally to 20 min-
utes ±5% for all the treatment modes.
The sound signal indica ng the intermediate exposure me intervals will be gen-
erated every 5 minutes ±5% from the treatment start me and on.
The me delay before switching to standby mode a er the comple on of the
treatment is 5 minutes ±5%.
The device provides data storage in the internal non-vola le RAM including the
last set treatment mode saving and retrieval.