Simultaneously place one hand over the globe’s top and the other
one over its equator, and hold for a couple of seconds. The
SensoSphere will blink to indicate it is now in Command mode.
Holding the first hand on the gl
obe’s pole, slide your other hand
clockwise along the equator for about a quarter revolution. The
SensoSphere will flash
and switch Off; you can now remove
your hands.
To turn the SensoSphere back On, put your hand on its pole for a
couple of seconds.
The SensoSphere’s
seventh Colour Mode, Monochrome, displays a
single, static, colour. Colour Selection is only available in
Monochrome Mode, as the other three Colour Modes automatically
continuously cycle through their specific colour range.
To select any colour from the rainbow while in Monochrome Mode,
place a single hand over the globe’s equator and hold it for a couple
of seconds. The SensoSphere will blink to indicate it is now in
Command mode.
You can now slide hand by a couple of inches along the equator: a
clockwise shift will cycle the colour down around the rainbow
spectrum, while a counter-clockwise shift will cycle it upward. The
colour cycling speed will increase as you slide your hand farther from
the contact point.
Once you’ve found
the desired colour, swiftly remove your hand to release the Command
mode. The SensoSphere will blink again to confirm Command mode is released.
This gesture lets you temporarily toggle the SensoSphere’s Bluetooth radio On or Off,
facilitating the creation of an electromagnetic fields-free zone.
To toggle Bluetooth, hold one hand ove
r the globe’s equator and
swipe your
other hand twice (back and forth) over the globe’s top,
grazing within one inch of its pole. The double swipe should be made
within 1 to 3 seconds (just as you would change the Colour mode).
The SensoSphere will flash
when Bluetooth is toggled Off, or
when toggled On.
Note: to turn On/Off Bluetooh in a non-volatile way, use the
Push Button
Command as described above.
Monochrome Colour Selection
Turn Power Off/On
Temporarily Turn Bluetooth Off / On