© CSP S.r.l.
0.2. How the read the manual of instructions
This manual is composed by:
By consulting the cover you trace to the printer model covered in the manual and to the printer serial number in
your possession.
By consulting the index it is possible to indentify to the chapter and to the paragraph on which all the notes
relating to a given topic are reported.
Each figure is numbered progressively, indicating with the first digit the reference chapter and with the second
the progressive image (example Fig. 3.4 is the fourth figure of chapter three)
0.3. Storage of the manual of instructions
It is mandatory to keep this manual and all attached documents in an easily accessible place near the printer and
known to all users (operators and maintenance personnel).
Operators and maintenance technicians must be able to quickly find and consult the manual in any situation.
The manual is an integral part of the printer for security purposes.
• It must be kept intact (in all its parts);
• It must follow the printer until its disposal (even in case of travel, sale, rental, rent, etc.);
• It must be kept up to date and report any changes made to the printer.
0.4. Updating the manual of instructions
This manual must be regularly updated by attaching additional or altered parts.
The sending of any additional parts is the responsibility of the Manufacturer; the user is responsible for the
replacement of parts that may be altered as a result of use, making a request directly to the Manufacturer.