© CSP S.r.l.
0.1. Aim of the instruction manual
Before proceding with the installing and starting of the printer, the technician, the user, the
maintainer and the safety responsible must read and understand the actual manual.
The manual must be considered as a fundamental part of the printer. The correct use and maintanence of the
machine depends on the informations contained here.
It contains instructions that must be acknowledged by the personal devoted to the use, maintanance and
transport of the machine, supposing the adequate experience, preparation and professional abilitation as well
as a psychophysical attitude.
For certain operations it may be necessary to ask for the intervent of personnel who. have achieved a specific
It must always be available for consultation, in copy and by the recupient, on the printer itself or in its immediate
vicinity. In the second case the location of the manula must me indicated on the printer clearly.
It is susceptible of updates which, appropriately classified, will be transmitted to the employer in order to update
the consultation copy (s).
• The recipient must ensure that the personnel authorized by him to start up, use, maintain and transport the
printer have obtained adequate knowledge of the instructions contained in this manual.
• The recipient must check that the maintenance operations, prescribed in the appropriate chapter, are carried
out and recorded promptly and effectively.
• We decline any damage or injury caused by the improper use of the printer
• We accept no responsibility for damage to persons or property resulting from improper use and / or omitted
or inadequate maintenance.
• The recipient has the right to request further information.
In case of loss and/or damage of the present manual is responsibility of the recipient to ask for one or more