© CSP S.r.l.
© CSP S.r.l.
1.6. General safety warnings
Any intervention must be performed on the printer requires particular caution on the part of the
Any intervention on the printer must be carried out in strict compliance with the operational skills
(see paragraph 1.7.1 “Identification of Operational Staff”). CSP S.r.l. declines any responsibility in
case of non-compliance with these skills.
The purpose of this chapter is to indicate which are the specific points and measures to avoid incurring any kind
of accidents, which may be defined as residual risks, which are the minimum essential safety provisions to be
maintained, which characteristics must have the personnel assigned to the normal assembly operations and
which must be the characteristics of the maintenance personnel.
We are not responsible for unspecified operations, as they are considered strictly pertinent to technical
assistance personnel or for operations performed differently from what we described in the documentation
Possible operations on the printer can:
• Mechanics
• Electrical
Any intervention of a mechanical nature must be carried out in strict compliance with the directives required by
current safety regulations. It is absolutely forbidden to perform any type of mechanical maintenance intervention
on the printer during the operating cycle or in any case with parts of the printer moving.
Every mechanical adjustment operation must be carried out with the printer stopped and only and exclusively
by the mechanical maintenance technician, qualified to operate in conditions of protection disconnected (see
paragraph 1.7.1 “Identification of the operating personnel”).
Maintenance work must only be performed with the printer disconnected from the mains and taking all the safety
measures required by current regulations.
Every electrical adjustment operation must be carried out taking all the safety measures required by current
1.6.1. Personal protective equipment
It is mandatory to use the specific personal protection devices (PPE) to the current operations made available
by the company (in relation to the risk attached to the performance of certain processes), even if not directly
concerning the use of the plant.