Charger Configuration
CAN bus configuration
The Configuration tab only effects the WSU on the Node Address selected in area [2] (Charger ID) of
the Monitor tab. After making a new configuration selection press the corresponding Send button to
transmit it to the charger.
Profile configuration
If the WSU is used on the same bus as other items it may be necessary to change the WSU's CAN bus
node address. It is possible to control two or more WSUs of the same variant on the same bus with their
outputs separate or in parallel, so long as the WSUs have different node addresses. The CAN node can
be set from 1 to 10.
The WSU can be loaded with up to four different charging profiles (see Appendix 9.5 for a list of the
profiles loaded by default). The this area of the Configuration tab is used to select which profile to use,
or to change back to CAN bus mode if already in profile mode. Simply click the circle next to the profile
to be used. The Selection Report will show the Delta profile number (the picture below shows the WSU
is still in CAN mode).
NB. The power must be recycled on the WSB in order for the profile change to take effect, i.e.,
disconnect it from the battery and then reconnect. When the new profile is active it will be reported in
the Mode line at the bottom of area [3] on the Monitor tab.
Unless otherwise agreed, the WSUs will have a CAN bus baud rate of 1 Mbps. The configuration tab can
be used to set the baud rate to one of the following : 125 kbps, 250 kbps, 500 kbps, 800 kbps, 1 Mbps.
• Changing the WSU's CAN bus node address
• Changing baud rate