Typical map of magnetic declination for y
he magnetic variation around the world can be quite large.
so it is best to refer wind direction to true north.
uthern Cross.
e True North intersects the horizon.
shoulder screw
is in
ees, i.e.
the cross arm,
ody until the count
point to true
il points to true north).
oulder screw to
rotate freely.
ws supporting the light sensor to
r a box or use a
see the bubble level.
ear 2000
(reproduced courtesy of NOAA)
From this map you can see t
Magnetic north also drifts over time,
Star Method
: Find the North Star or the So
Whichever method you use, establish wher
Orient the wind vane
1. Ensure that the lo
place on the hub. The wind vane cannot rotate and,
if read, the sensor should indicate 180 degr
2. Using the spanner provided, loosen the cla
holding the O34B to
3. Rotate the housing b
erweight and
the black arrow on the housing actually
south (and the wind vane ta
4. Tighten the clamp and remove the sh
release the wind vane and allow it to
6 Level the light senso
Adjust the tripod of scre
centre the bubble level, using the 2.5 mm
socket wrench provided .
Note: You may need to stand on steps o
mirror to
See the D-034-CA Technical Manual on the Software and Manuals CD
© 2007 Delta-T Devices Ltd