The WS-GP1 Weather Station measures wind speed and direction, air temperature,
relative humidity, solar radiation and rainfall.
Apart from the wind vane tail, the sensors are already attached to the cross-arm and
connected to a GP1 Logger with a weather station program installed.
This guide explains how to choose a site, install the mast, mount and align the cross
arm, add the wind-vane tail and align it to North. Then, using a PC or Windows Mobile
Device we show how to change the weather station program, check the sensor
readings, then acquire and display readings.
1 Unpacking
Check your contents against your order.
You should have a cross arm fitted with a
logger pre-wired to:
Wind speed and direction sensor
RH and air temperature sensor
Solar energy flux sensor
You should also find the following:
Sensor user manuals
GP1 Quick Start Guide and screwdriver
Allen keys - 5/64 inch for the wind vane and 2.5 mm for light sensor levelling mount
Spanner for the mast
GP1-RS232 serial cable
Delta-T Software and Manuals CD including DeltaLINK PC version 2.3 or later
You may also have the following:
Tripod mast M2-TRPD or some other mast to mount on
Guy wire support kit WS-GWSK
t er tools you may need:
O h
Spirit level for ensuring mast is vertical
Pick axe and shovel if the site needs preparing for the mast
Mallet for ground stakes if used
Steps, box to stand on, or mirror, to see bubble level on light sensor
PC running DeltaLINK-PC or PDA running Pocket DeltaLINK version 2.3 or later
© 2007 Delta-T Devices Ltd