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Au t hor iz e d use
The t echnical specificat ions as given in chapt er TECHNI CAL CHARACTERI STI CS m ust
be observed. Only t he operat ion and running of t he m easur ing inst rum ent according
t o t he inst ruct ions given in t his operat ing m anual is aut hor ized. Any ot her use is
considered unaut horized.
Ge ne r a l sa fe t y inst r u ct ions
This m easur ing syst em is const ruct ed and t est ed in com pliance w it h t he EN 61010- 1
safet y regulat ions for elect ronic m easuring inst rum ent s. I t left t he fact ory in a safe
and secure t echnical condit ion.
The sm oot h funct ioning and operat ional safet y of t he m easuring syst em can only be
guarant eed if t he generally applicable safet y m easures and t he specific safet y
inst ruct ions in t his operat ing m anual are followed dur ing operat ion.
The sm oot h funct ioning and operat ional safet y of t he inst rum ent can only be
guarant eed under t he environm ent al and elect r ical operat ing condit ions t hat are in
specified in chapt er TECHNI CAL CHARACTERI STI CS.
Do not use or st ore t he product in places such as list ed below:
Rapid changes in am bient t em perat ure which m ay cause condensat ion.
Corrosive or inflam m able gases.
Direct v ibrat ion or shock t o t he inst rum ent .
Excessive induct ion noise, st at ic elect r icit y, m agnet ic fields or noise.
I f t he m easur ing sy st em was t ransport ed from a cold env ir onm ent t o a warm
environm ent , t he form at ion of condensat e can im pair t he funct ioning of t he m easuring
syst em . I n t his event , wait unt il t he t em perat ure of t he m easuring syst em reaches
room t em perat ure before put t ing t he m easuring syst em back int o operat ion.
Obliga t ion s of t h e pu r ch a se r
The purchaser of t his m easuring syst em m ust ensure t hat t he follow ing laws and
guidelines are observed when using danger ous subst ances:
EEC direct ives for prot ect ive labour legislat ion
Nat ional prot ect ive labour legislat ion
Safet y regulat ions
Содержание HD2307.0
Страница 4: ...HD2307 4 V1 7 RTD Therm om eter HD2 3 0 7 0 ...
Страница 23: ......