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1. Do not expose t he probes t o gases or liquids t hat could corrode t he m at er ial of t he
sensor or t he probe it self. Clean t he probe carefully aft er each m easurem ent .
2. Do not bend t he probe connect ors or force t hem upward or downward.
3. Do not bend or force t he cont act s when insert ing t he probe connect or int o t he
inst rum ent .
4. Do not bend, deform or drop t he probes, as t his could cause irreparable dam age.
5. Always select t he m ost suit able probe for y our applicat ion.
6. Do not use t he t em perat ure probes in presence of corrosive gases or liquids. The
sensor cont ainer is m ade of AI SI 316 st ainless st eel, while t he cont act probe
cont ainer is m ade from AI SI 316 st ainless st eel plus silver. Avoid cont act bet ween
t he probe surface and any st icky surface or product t hat could corrode or dam age
it .
7. Above 400° C and below –40° C, avoid v iolent blows or t herm al shocks t o Plat inum
t em perat ure probes as t his could cause irreparable dam age.
8. To obt ain reliable m easurem ent s, t em perat ure var iat ions t hat are t oo rapid m ust
be avoided.
9. Tem perat ure probes for sur face m easurem ent s ( cont act probes) m ust be held
perpendicular against t he surface. Apply oil or heat - conduct ive past e bet ween t he
surface and t he probe in order t o im pr ove cont act and reduce reading t im e.
What ever you do, do not use wat er or solvent for t his purpose. A cont act
m easurem ent is always very hard t o perform . I t has high levels of uncert aint y and
depends on t he abilit y of t he operat or.
10.Tem perat ure m easurem ent s on non- m et al surfaces usually require a great deal of
t im e due t o t he low heat conduct iv it y of non- m et al m at er ials.
11.The sensor is not insulat ed from it s ext er nal casing; be very careful not t o com e
int o cont act w it h live part s ( above 48V) . This could be ext rem ely
dangerous for t he inst rum ent as well as for t he operat or, who could be
elect rocut ed.
12.Avoid t ak ing m easur em ent s in presence of high frequency sources, m icrowave
ovens or large m agnet ic fields; result s m ay not be very reliable.
13.Clean t he probe carefully aft er use.
14.The inst rum ent is wat er resist ant and I P67, but should not be im m ersed in wat er.
The probe connect ors m ust be fit t ed w it h sealing gasket s. Should t he inst rum ent
fall int o t he wat er , check for any wat er infilt rat ion. Gent ly handle t he inst rum ent in
such a way as t o prev ent any wat er infilt rat ion from t he connect ors' side.
Содержание HD2307.0
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