Delta Five D5r6 Account Setup & Installation Guide
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The page that loads will scan for a moment then list all the available networks within range of your D5 Device
Select the desired network and type in your Wi-Fi password if applicable, then click Save Configuration
The D5 device will then save the network credentials and reboot, this
may take about 1 min. the reboot process consists of your D5 device
displaying a solid red light then going out.
Note: your computer or phone screen
will not change from this screen
After loading the network credentials and after any power on, the D5r6 device
will run through an initialization phase where it tests the network connection and attempts to sync with the D5 Server. The Red
LED will indicate any issues the device encounters by the sequence and number of blinks. If you feel a step was missed or the
Device did not configure properly you may Factory Reset the device and begin from step 1.
To Factory Reset the Device press and Hold the LED Button for 10 seconds. If device has been reset the LED will blink every
For Trouble-Shooting Device connection issues see Diagnostics Table at the end of this document.