Dell Networking W-IAP277 Outdoor Instant Access Point
| Installation Guide
Outdoor Planning and Deployment Considerations
Prior to deploying an outdoor wireless network, the environment must be evaluated to plan for a successful Dell
WLAN deployment. Successfully evaluating the environment enables the proper selection of Dell access points
and antennas and assists in the determination of their placement for optimal RF coverage. This process is
considered WLAN or RF planning and Dell can assist in the outdoor planning process.
WLAN systems being installed outdoors in the USA,
the following requirements must be met.
1. Systems must be
professionally installed
by a qualified engineer familiar with WLAN, including Dell trained
partners and resellers.
2. Operation in the 5600-5650 MHz band is prohibited.
3. When within 35 km distance of a TDWR, the center frequency of the WLAN must be separated from the
TDWR center frequency by 30 MHz.
a. If the radar is operating from 5600-5610 MHz, disable the use of channel 116 (5580 MHz).
b. If the radar is operating from 5630-5650 MHz, disable the use of channel 132 (5660 MHz).
For TWDR locations in the US please refer to
Identifying Specific Installation Locations
You can mount the W-IAP277 access point on a wall or pole. Use the IAP placement map generated by Dell
VisualRF Plan software too to determine the proper installation location(s). Each location should be as close as
possible to the center of the intended coverage area and should be free from obstructions or obvious sources of
interference. These RF absorbers/reflectors/interference sources will impact RF propagation and should have
been accounted for during the planning phase and adjusted for in the RF plan.
CAUTION: EU Statement:
Lower power radio LAN product operating in 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands. Refer to the
Dell Networking W-Series
Instant User Guide
for details on restrictions.
Produit réseau local radio basse puissance operant dans la bande fréquence 2.4 GHz et 5 GHz. Merci de vous referrer au
Networking W-Series
Instant User Guide
pour les details des restrictions.
Low Power FunkLAN Produkt, das im 2.4 GHz und im 5 GHz Band arbeitet. Weitere Informationen bezlüglich Einschränkungen
finden Sie im
Dell Networking W-Series Instant User Guide.
Apparati Radio LAN a bassa Potenza, operanti a 2.4 GHz e 5 GHz. Fare riferimento alla
Dell Networking W-Series Instant User
per avere informazioni detagliate sulle restrizioni.
NOTE: Dell in compliance with governmental requirements, has designed the W-IAP277 Instant access point such that only
authorized network administrators can change configuration settings. For AP configuration information, refer to the
Networking W-Series Instant Quick Start Guide
Dell Networking W-Series Instant User Guide
CAUTION: Access points are radio transmission devices and as such are subject to governmental regulation. Network
administrators responsible for the configuration and operation of access points must comply with local broadcast regulations.
Specifically, access points must use channel assignments appropriate to the location in which the access point will be used.