Regulatory Statements: Dell PowerVault 35F User's Guide
file:///C|/Users/rishi_sood/Desktop/35F/ug/reg_note.htm[3/21/2013 11:16:25 AM]
examine the South Korean Ministry of Communications (MOC) registration labels located on your computer (or other
Dell digital device). The MOC label may be located separately from the other regulatory marking applied to your
product. The English text, "EMI (A)," for Class A products, or "EMI (B)" for Class B products, appears in the center of
the MOC label.
NOTE: MOC emissions requirements provide for two classifications:
Class A devices are for business purposes.
Class B devices are for nonbusiness purposes.
Class A Device
Please note that this device has been approved for business purposes with regard to electromagnetic interference. If you
find that this device is not suitable for your use, you may exchange it for a nonbusiness device.
Figure 1. MOC Class A Regulatory Mark
Polish Center for Testing and Certification Notice
The equipment should draw power from a socket with an attached protection circuit (a three-prong socket). All
equipment that works together (computer, monitor, printer, and so on) should have the same power supply source.
The phasing conductor of the room’s electrical installation should have a reserve short-circuit protection device in the
form of a fuse with a nominal value no larger than 16 amperes (A).
To completely switch off the equipment, the power supply cable must be removed from the power supply socket,
which should be located near the equipment and easily accessible.
A protection mark "B" confirms that the equipment is in compliance with the protection usage requirements of
standards PN-93/T-42107 and PN-89/E-06251.
Wymagania Polskiego Centrum BadaÒ i Certyfikacji
Urz¼dzenie powinno byÊ zasilane z gniazda z przyŠ¼czonym obwodem ochronnym (gniazdo z koŠkiem).
WspÛŠpracuj¼ce ze sob¼ urz¼dzenia (komputer, monitor,
drukarka) powinny byÊ zasilane z tego samego ürÛdŠa.
Instalacja elektryczna pomieszczenia powinna zawieraÊ w przewodzie fazowym
rezerwow¼ ochronÍ przed zwarciami, w postaci bezpiecznika o wartoúci znamionowej nie wiÍkszej niø 16A
W celu caŠkowitego wyŠ¼czenia urz¼dzenia z sieci zasilania, naleøy wyj¼Ê wtyczkÍ kabla zasilaj¼cego z gniazdka,
ktÛre powinno znajdowaÊ siÍ w pobliøu urz¼dzenia i byÊ Šatwo dostÍpne.