User Interface Commands
FILE LOCATION: C:\Users\gina\Desktop\Checkout_new\CLI Folders\Dell Contax
D E L L CO N F I D E N T I A L – P R E L I MI N A RY 5/ 1 5 /1 2 - F O R PR O O F O N LY
Command Mode
All configuration modes
The following example executes the
show vlan
Privileged EXEC mode
command from Global Configuration mode.
Console (Config)#
do show vlan
Vlan Name Ports Type Authorization
---- ---- --------------------------- -------- -------------
1 1 gi1/0/1-39,Po1,Po2, other Required
2 2 gi1/0/1 dynamicGvrp Required
10 v0010 gi1/0/1 permanent Not Required
11 V0011 gi1/0/1,gi1/0/13
permanent Required
20 20 gi1/0/1 permanent Required
30 30 gi1/0/1,gi1/0/13
permanent Required
31 31 gi1/0/1 permanent Required
91 91 gi1/0/1,gi1/0/40
permanent Required
4093 guest-vlan gi1/0/1,gi1/0/13
permanent Guest
banner exec
Use the
banner exec
command to specify and enable a message to be
displayed when an EXEC process is created (The user has successfully logged
in), use the banner exec command in Global Configuration mode. Use the
form of this command to delete the existing EXEC banner.
banner exec
d message-text d
no banner exec