VLAN Commands
FILE LOCATION: C:\Users\gina\Desktop\Checkout_new\CLI Folders\Dell Contax
D E L L C O N F ID E N T IA L – P R E L IM I N A RY 5 / 1 5 /1 2 - F O R P R O O F O N LY
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (Ethernet, port-channel) mode
switchport mode
Use the
switchport mode
Interface Configuration (Ethernet, port-channel)
mode command to configure the VLAN membership mode of a port. Use the
form of this command to restore the default configuration.
switchport mode
{ access | trunk | general | private-vlan {promiscuous |
host} | customer }
no switchport mode
—Specifies an untagged layer 2 VLAN port.
—Specifies a trunking layer 2 VLAN port.
—Specifies a full 802-1q supported VLAN port.
—Specifies that the port is connected to customer equipment.
Used when the switch is in a provider network.
private-vlan promiscous
—Private-VLAN promiscous port.
private-vlan host
—Private-VLAN host port.
Default Configuration
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (Ethernet, port-channel) mode
User Guidelines
• When the port mode is changed, it receives the configuration
corresponding to the mode.
• If the port mode is changed to access and the access VLAN does not exist,
then the port will not belongs to any VLAN.