Abbildung 9. Das Systeminnere: vorderseitig zugängliche Konfiguration
1. Riser 1
2. Systemplatine
3. BOSS-S1-Karte (optional)
4. Prozessor und Kühlkörpermodul
5. Speichermodulsteckplätze (8)
6. Prozessorkühlgehäuse
7. Kühlungslüfter (6)
8. Informationsschild
9. Laufwerkträger
10. Rückwandplatine
11. PCI-Kühlgehäuse
12. Stromzwischenplatine (Power Interposer Board, PIB)
13. Riser 2 und 3
14. Netzteileinheiten
Locating the Express Service Code and Service Tag
The unique Express Service Code and Service Tag are used to identify the system.
The information tag is located on the front of the Rear Accessed configuration and rear of the Front Accessed configuration.
The information tag includes system information such as the Service Tag, Express Service Code, Manufacture date, NIC, MAC
address, QRL label, and so on.
Figure 10. Locating the Service Tag of your system
1. Information tag (front view)
2. Express Service Tag label
PowerEdge XR11 System overview