Dell EMC Networking with Isilon Front-End Deployment and Best Practices Guide | version 1.0
port-channel101 Desg 128.2617 128 1000 FWD 0 AUTO Yes
port-channel102 Desg 128.2618 128 1000 FWD 0 AUTO Yes
--- Output is truncated ---
Show vrrp brief
This command is used to verify that VRRP is correctly configured and both switches in the VLT have the
same virtual address.
S4048-Leaf1# show vrrp brief
Interface Group Priority Prempt State Version Master addr(s) Virtual addr
vlan100 IPv4 100 150 true master-state 2
OS9 Validation commands
show ip bgp summary
When BGP is configured, this command shows the status of all BGP connections. Each spine has four
neighbors (the four leafs) and each leaf has two neighbors (the two spines). The 2 spine neighbors are
shown below.
S4048-Leaf3#show ip bgp summary
BGP router identifier, local AS number 64703
BGP local RIB : Routes to be Added 0, Replaced 0, Withdrawn 0
16 network entrie(s) using 1216 bytes of memory
30 paths using 3240 bytes of memory
BGP-RIB over all using 3270 bytes of memory
19 BGP path attribute entrie(s) using 3456 bytes of memory
17 BGP AS-PATH entrie(s) using 170 bytes of memory
2 neighbor(s) using 16384 bytes of memory
Neighbor AS MsgRcvd MsgSent TblVer InQ OutQ Up/Down State/Pfx 64601 28655 128086 0 0 0 3d:19:43:08 14 64602 128677 128092 0 0 0 3d:19:43:06 14
show ip route bgp
On switches with BGP configured, this command is used to verify the BGP entries in the Routing Information
Base (RIB). Entries with multiple paths shown are used with ECMP.
The first set of routes with a subnet mask of /32 are the IPs configured for router IDs.
S4048-Leaf3 has two paths to all other
leafs and two paths to Server 1’s network, There is one
path through each spine. If all paths do not appear, make sure the maximum-paths statement in the BGP
configuration is equal to or greater than the number of spines in the topology.