Installation & Operations Manual
7. Plumbing – Ozone Generator (refer to Figure 1)
a. Connect the PVC ozone tubing provided to the hose barb on the
Ozone Generator.
b. Slide hose clamps onto the tubing and run the tubing to the
vacuum source.
i. If the Ozone Generator is mounted above the water line,
tubing may be run directly to the vacuum source.
ii. If Ozone Generator is mounted below the water line, run
tubing to a point above the water line and back down to the
vacuum source. Secure tubing in this position.
c. Cut the tubing near the vacuum source, slide hose clamps on
each end and install the check valve in the tubing. Observe the
flow arrow on the check valve and ensure that the flow direction
is into the vacuum source.
d. Secure all tubing connections with the hose clamps.
8. Electrical
a. Test the GFCI breaker protecting the spa for proper operation.
b. Disconnect power to the spa.
c. Connect the Ozone Generator cord to the mating connector(s) on
the spa control box as described in the Spa’s Installation Manual.
Figure 1: Typical Injection System
DEL Ozone
Check Valve
Spa Controller/Heater
Return Fitting