When using Gas, ensure that the room is well ventilated.
Always keep children away from the product when it is in use.
Only use the hob for preparing food.
Use a deep pan, large enough to cover the appropriate heating element.
Always dry food thoroughly before placing it in hot oil or fat. Frozen food in
particular will spit and splatter if added too quickly.
Never fill the pan more than one third full of fat or oil.
Never heat fat or fry with a lid on the pan.
Do not fry too much food at once. This lowers the temperature of the oil or fat and
results in fatty foods.
Do not leave hot fat or oil unattended. If overheating occurs, these could catch fire.
In the event of a pan fire
Switch off the Electricity and or Gas supply.
Smother the flames with a blanket or damp cloth.
Burns and injuries are usually caused by picking up the burning pan and rushing
outside with it.
Do NOT use water to extinguish an oil or fat fire.