PRO-TC-MAN-17V01 (0802)
Copyright © 2017 Define Instruments
A.3 - Ranger A mode
Ranger A is a continuous output, used to drive remote displays and other instru-
ments in the Rinstrum™ range. (Ranger is a trade name belonging to Rinstrum Pty
Ltd.) Ranger A output strings are constructed as shown:
<Start> <Sign> <Output Value> <Status> <End>
Start -
STX character (ASCII 02)
Sign -
Output value sign (space for + and dash for -)
Output Value -
Seven character ASCII string containing the current output value and
decimal point. (If there is no decimal point, then the first character is a space.
Leading zero blanking applies.)
Status -
Single character output value status. '
'=Under, '
'=Over, '
End -
ETX character (ASCII 03)