6.6 AED Maintenance Screen
The AED maintenance screen allows the user to select such options as AED tests, software upgrades, data backups,
and data card functions.
Before you begin
: Be sure the unit is in Maintenance Mode.
To enter
: Navigate to
AED maintenance
AED Main Menu
AED maintenance
What it does
: The unit will display the AED maintenance menu screen. This screen will allow the user to navigate
further to perform various maintenance tasks:
• Perform AED test
• Upgrade AED
• Transfer data to card
• Format data card
• Run application from card
To exit
: Use the TOP or BOTTOM softkey buttons to scroll to and highlight the selection “Go to main menu.”
Press the CENTER softkey button. The unit will exit the AED maintenance screen and return to the AED Main
Menu screen.
Perform AED Test
Perform AED test
will initiate a system hardware and software self-test.
: Running manually initiated AED tests will consume approximately one shock’s worth of battery life.
Before you begin
: Be sure the unit is in Maintenance Mode.
To enter
: Navigate to
Perform AED test
AED Main Menu
AED maintenance
Perform AED test
What it does
: When the user selects “Perform AED test” selection and presses the CENTER softkey
button, the unit will begin performing the self-test procedure:
The unit says: “Performing AED test“
The unit displays: Testing AED
Follow the directions until the test is complete. Once the AED test is complete the unit will verbally
and visually report the status of the AED. The information will be displayed in a pop-up window. The
user must press any softkey button to confirm the test status and return to the AED Maintenance
If self-test passes: The unit will speak and display: “AED OK”
If self-test fails: The unit will display an error screen with text prompts providing instructions to
address the condition.
: If self-test fails, the user should follow the text prompts to address the condition requiring
attention or refer to the “
section in Chapter 5 of this manual
To exit
: Press any softkey button. The self-test status pop-up window will clear and the display will
return to the AED Maintenance menu screen.
6. Maintenance Mode
DAC-U2510EN-BF rev H