Calibration Window
In this window, Ellvin uses analysis data from chemical standards to calibrate the instrument.
Features of Calibration Window:
List of Analytes
Create a list of analytes that will be used to calibrate the instrument.
Enter the name of the calibration analyte in the “Analyte Name’ window.
Create and enter an abbreviated name for the analyte in the ‘Analyte Alias” window
(maximum of 5 Characters).
Click the ”ADD” button.
Correlation Chart and Equations
This feature in the Calibration Window displays the degree of correlation between analyte standards of varying concentrations and the
instrument’s response to them. The correlation is calculated as both a linear equation and a 2nd order quadratic equation. The user may
view the equations and chart for either Peak Area correlation or for Peak Height correlation. Ellvin uses these parameters to calculate
concentrations for future samples.
Ellvin Windows