4P9: Head Y-Valves
The head is equipped with a Y-valve under the
guest stateroom floor. In US. Waters, the Coast Guard
Rules require that the valves be "secured" in the holding
tank position to assure that all effluent will be kept aboard
in the tank.
Leave the valve wired closed at all times!
The valve direction is indicated by the handle,
which when turned lines up with the direction of flow.
Note: The Coast Guard regulations
require the Y-Valves be secured
(usually with a wire-tie) in the
“Holding Tank” position. If the
vessel is boarded, the operator will
be cited if this is not so.
The Head Y-Valve. On the left is the head vacuum
The holding tank and head-direct discharge seacocks.
Section 4P: Head Systems 4.44