Musto Performance Skiff – Rigging Guide (v0.4)
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Musto Performance Skiff Rigging Guide
This rigging guide is to be used in conjunction with the CE Owners Manual available at
Please take your time to rig your boat up prior to your first sail. You will, no doubt, be in a hurry to get out on the water and
enjoy some serious skiff sailing but a few extra minutes spent checking your boat is correctly rigged will make sure you have
an enjoyable sail and may prevent you damaging your kit.
You can rig the boat in a different order from than that described here but we know this method works.
Below; shows the starting point, you should have one of everything in this picture.
1. The boat comes supplied with everything you need to go
sailing, if you are missing an item please call your dealer
2. You have to start somewhere so lets start by attaching the
Harken Carbo Ratchamatics on. One each side. They are not
handed so you don’t need to worry about which way round
they go.