4A4: Anchor Windlass
The anchor on Hele Mai is raised and lowered by a
large Maxwell 2200 vertical Windlass on the bow pulpit. The
windlass is controlled by foot-switches at the bow and toggle
switches at each helm.
If the windlass should fail to operate when its foot
switches are depressed, trouble-shoot as follows:
Listen to the windlass as a switch is depressed: Is the
chain motionless and the motor silent? If the motor is running, see below.
Motor not running when switch is operated:
Be sure the windlass breaker in the pilothouse is “on”;
If the breaker/switch was on, try the manual up/down switch at either helm (if this works,
use these switches instead of the foot switches until the foot switches are repaired);
Motor running when switch depressed, but chain not moving:
The clutch is probably loose. Remove
the black cap in the center of the
windlass, tighten the screw within. Try
If neither procedure solves the problem,
consult the windlass manual to
determine how to use the windlass in the
manual, emergency mode.
4A5: Anchoring & Stern/Shore Line: See Section 3B.
4B: Barbeque
The boat is equipped with a fixed BBQ. It receives its propane from the same under-
seat tanks beneath the flybridge L-settee as the galley. Operation is conventional: Make sure
the valves are one, turn the burner on and ignite.
4C: Bilge Blowers
The boat has bilge blowers controlled by a switch in the DC breaker panel at the lower
helm. These blowers are not generally needed in the cooler climates of the Northwest; they
would be used in hot weather such as in southern latitudes, or to moderately cool the engine
room when an operator has to be in it when the engines are, or have been recently running.
The windlass breaker
to left of the
pilothouse wheel.
One of the two windlass
remote controls.
Above: Anchor windlass. Note black
cap in center over clutch screw.
Right: The Barbecue.
Section 4B-4D: BBQ, Bilge Blowers & B.Pumps 4.3