USB Drive - Selected
The PosiTector PC uses a USB mass storage device class which
provides a simple interface to retrieve data in a manner similar to USB
flash drives, cameras, or digital audio players.
When the "USB Drive" option is selected with a tick mark , any
computer can view and download measurements stored in memory (in
batches) by navigating a virtual drive labeled POWDER using the
included USB cable.
USB Drive
A formatted HTML report is viewed by selecting the "index.html" file
found in the root directory. Optionally, "readings0.txt" files located in
each batch folder (i.e. B1) provide access to measurement values.
New drive
Measurement values,
reports, graphs, or the
entire POWDER virtual
drive can be copied onto
your computer or imported
into a document or
spreadsheet for permanent
storage. The "logo.jpg" file
can be replaced with a
corporate logo.
While the USB cable is connected to a computer, new measurements
will not be included in reports and text files until the USB cable is
unplugged and re-connected.