Standby Period (Standby Time)
Use these buttons (+ Shift for red values) to set the Standby Period to
0s / 10s / 1min / 5min / 10min / 30min / 1h / + . Use "0s" to set the
fittings to On/Off mode (no Standby Period). Use ("+ ") to set the
fittings to MinMax mode. The fitting will remain at the selected Min
level indefinitely.
Hold Period (Hold Time)
Use these buttons to set the Hold Time to 2s / 30s / 1min / 5min / 10min /
15min / 20min / 30min. To set Hold Time to 30s / 5min / 15min / 30min,
press the “Shift” button first.
Standby dimming level
Set the Standby dimming / Min level to 10% / 20% / 30% / 50%.
Remote Control | RF Wireless
Dual Tech & RF mode
Use the Learn/Erase and Transmit buttons set up connections
between fittings, see "How to set up your installation" on page
6. Use RX 100% And RX STBY% to select whether the fitting
should go to 100% or to the selected Standby light level via
radio communication.
Factory settings:
- Sensitivity:
- Hold period:
1 min.
- Standby period:
5 min.
- Standby dim level: 20%
- Daylight threshold: Disable
Detection range
Press these buttons to set detection range to 100% / 75% / 50% / 10%.