How to locate the serial number of your Alliance machine
When calling the Dedoes Customer Service Department
at 1-248-624-7710, we ask that you have your serial
number available so that we may research which style
machine you have and how old it is. This will help to
determine which parts you may need to repair or
replace on your machine.
Your serial number is a six digit number that will start
with a one or a two. It is located on a small aluminum
plate that is bolted to the black metal platform the
motor and gear reducer are mounted to.
The serial number and date can tell Dedoes if your
machine is still under warranty.
How to remove the expanding bolt
The expanding bolt is installed in the drive gear in the
top mixing unit of your fully assembled Alliance
machine. It’s purpose is to hold all of the shafts from
the lower mixing shelves in place so they will not move
during operation.
To remove the expanding bolt:
1. Turn off the power to your Alliance mixing machine.
2. Remove the header from the top of your machine.
3. Remove the shelf cover from the top mixing shelf of
your machine.
4. Locate the expanding bolt on the right side and turn
it counter clockwise to loosen it. Do not loosen the
expanding bolt too much or the locknut may fall off.
5. Pull the loosened expanding bolt straight up to
remove it from the top drive gear.
This will allow you to remove the shafts from the
machine for maintenance and repairs.
Note: If you need to replace the base drive shaft of
your machine you will need to replace the expanding
bolt as well.
Expanding Bolt
PN# 5900