’s M
4.4.10 Baud Rate
The "
Baud Rate
" can be 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400,
57600, or 115200 bits per second . The SI-3C™ always uses 8 bits, no
parity, and one stop bit for its serial port configuration . The default
baud rate is 1200 .
Figure 4.4.10
Baud Rate
4.4.11 Serial Protocol
Currently there is only one protocol available . <D> is a direction
character that is “+” for vehicles coming towards the sign, “-“ for
vehicles moving away, and “?” when the direction cannot be
determined . [S] represents the displayed speed . If a period is within
the square brackets it is the decimal point . Any zeros are sent as
described and do not change with a vehicle’s speed . The <cr>
signifies the end of the outgoing message .
Figure 4.4.11
Serial Protocol
Once new options have been selected, press the OK button . The
Configure program will save the new settings into memory and
the SI-3C™ will start each time with these new settings until you
change them again .
4.5 Loading New Firmware & Configuring the SI-3C
From time to time Decatur Electronics will release new firmware for
the SI-3C™ . If you have received new firmware then save the firmware
to a file on your hard drive remembering the path to where the file is
saved . Connect the SI-3C™ to your computer as described in Section
4 .2 .