You determine the speed of lifting/lowering and the point at which you stop!
By selecting the direction of rotation of the drill, you can either hoist or lower the load. You
choose the speed at which you do this. After all, you determine the speed at which you run
the device.
It is just like drilling a hole or driving in a screw. So pay attention and reduce speed when you
are “almost there” (rail end). Stop before you run the Shuttle carriage against the winch.
If you lift the load too high, the carriage will run against the winch. This will engage the slip
coupling of your drill causing it to slip. The slipping of the coupling is completely unnecessary
and can easily be avoided by keeping a few centimetres clear from the rail end.
In addition: if you hit the rail end and your slip coupling is engaged, the Shuttle may move
down, especially if you have loaded too much weight. The more reason to adhere to the
maximum load of 30 kilos and to observe the rule that you should not let the winch continue
to run at rail end.
Make sure that the winch belt always enters the winch flat and without twisting/folding!
The most important point to pay attention to when using the winch belt is that it always
enters the winch flat and without folding and twisting.
The winch belt must run flat and straight. Making sure it does, is not difficult at all. You just
need to make sure that you hook the Shuttle carriage correctly onto the winch belt:
When hooking up, pull the winch belt so that it is flat and straight, while making sure
there are no twists in the belt
Now use the carabiner to hook the shuttle carriage and the winch belt together, making
sure not to twist the belt in the process
The winch belt now runs straight and flat across the guide
Avoid folds in the winch belt. When entering the winch drum enters, these folds become
worse and the belt no longer rolls up flat. This will damage and weaken the winch belt.
Note the following two points stated earlier:
• Make sure the lift mast is perfectly upright (check with a spirit level)
• Make sure the winch is flat on and perpendicular to the lift mast. If tilted, the winch belt
can double up in the winch drum.
SHUTTLE winch: use a device with sufficient power!
Je kunt de lier aandrijven met een boor/schroefmachine. Gebruik daarvoor een You can
drive the winch with a drill/driver. Use a professional device that has the necessary power
for lifting the load and endurance when using the Shuttle intensively.
Warning: if the power of the drill/driver is insufficient for lifting the load, it will warm up
quickly and it may overheat. The motor of the device can burn out if not protected against
Drill/driver: mandatory use of slip coupling on the device!
Two (2) extremely important reasons why the use of the slip coupling on the drill/driver is
• The Shuttle aims to offer a safe and ergonomic alternative for manually lifting goods on
(mobile) scaffolds up to approx. 30 kilos
• Never allow a winch to run at rail end as this can damage the winch
Setting and using the slip coupling on the drill/driver prevents loads of more than 30
kilos from being lifted, while the risk of damage to the winch is reduced if this weight is
nevertheless exceeded.
Setting the slip coupling on the drill/driver is quick and very easy:
Place a weight of about 30 kilos in the Shuttle crate
Start with the lowest setting of the slip coupling on the drill/screwdriver and increase it
in steps until you can lift the load of 30 kilos
Remember and/or write down the coupling value that applies to this machine and set it each
time the Shuttle is used.
Note: stated coupling value is different for each drill (!) Therefore, determine the couple
value every time you start working with another device (!).