Show Map
The Show Map (SM) command shows the mapping, IDs and status of all
host ports. If mapping for a particular port(s) or range is desired, that
port number or range may be added to the command line. If mapping
for a specific drop is desired, use the SMD# command.
Change Map
The Change Map (CM) command is used to map the local host ports to
the drop ports. Ports must be mapped in the host multiplexer before
that channel can be used. Note that any host port may be mapped to
any drop port. The only restriction is with multiple host installations,
where each port for a specific drop must be mapped to a single host.
Show Network Configuration
The Show Network Config (SN) command displays the current network
port configuration (synchronous or asynchronous).
5.4.10 Change Network Configuration
The Change Network Config (CN) command is used to set the network
port for synchronous or asynchronous operation. If asynchronous is
selected, the speed must be set. The command is also used to select full
duplex or half duplex operation. Half duplex operation may be required
in 2-wire applications. An additional selection enables or disables poll
sequence numbers. Poll sequence numbers are used in radio
5.4.11 Show Status
The Show Status (SS) command shows the current network status
including the number of active drops and ports, and the current poll
response timeout values for each drop.