Dazzle Universal 3 in 1 Reader/Writer User’s Guide • Introduction • Page 5
About This Guide
This Guide explains how to use the Dazzle 3 in 1 Reader/Writer. Following is a description
of each section:
“Getting Star ted” lists the minimum system requirements for the 3 in 1 Reader/Writer,
provides a hardware over view and a software over view, and describes the software and
hardware installation process for PC and Macintosh computers.
“Using the 3 in 1 Reader/Writer” shows you how to insert, access, format, and remove
digital media cards on PC and Macintosh computers.
“Troubleshooting” provides solutions to possible problems and answers frequently asked
“Technical Suppor t” provides information on the Dazzle Nor th American and Dazzle
European Technical Resource Centers and tells you how to contact Dazzle Technical