"LLL" ("LOW LOW LIMIT")—initially set to "-0.750"
"LOL" ("LOW LIMIT")—initially set to "-0.500"
"HIL" ("HIGH LIMIT")—initially set to "0.500"
"HHL" ("HIGH HIGH LIMIT")—initially set to "0.750"
As with the "LEP" and "HEP" entries (Section 2.g), each value should
be expressed in the engineering units selected for Channel 5, and each
can be any constant from -32768 through 32767, provided that "LLL" is
less than "HHL" and that "LOL" is less than "HIL."
As mentioned in Section 1.e, a separate TTL-level
control output will be
automatically issued from Terminal 0 of the 4030's rear Logic I/O
Connector whenever the "live" reading of Channel 5 lies
below the
current "LEP" value for that channel (i.e., within the "BELOW BAR-
GRAPH" ZONE). Similarly, a logic output will be issued from Terminal 1
when Channel 5 is in the current LOWER "DANGER" ZONE; from
Terminal 2 when it is in the current LOWER "CAUTION" ZONE; from
Terminal 3 when it is in the current SAFETY (NO VIOLATION) ZONE;
from Terminal 4 when it is in the current UPPER "CAUTION" ZONE;
from Terminal 5 when it is in the current UPPER "DANGER" ZONE; and
from Terminal 6 when it is in the current "ABOVE BARGRAPH" ZONE.
Defining Limit Zones
Logic I/O Connections
As shown in Fig. 4, the 4030's rear Logic I/O Connector has eight
numbered LOGIC I/O terminals, plus a +5-V (LOGIC REFERENCE)
terminal and a "GD" (GROUND) terminal. The "standard" 4030
configuration calls for logic OUTPUTS from Terminals 0 through 6. It
does not call for any logic INPUTS, but the initially unassigned Terminal
7 can be used for this purpose, if the application requires. Fig. 9 shows
how to wire
1. negative-true logic INPUT to a given terminal ("N") from an active
TTL logic system;
2. negative-true logic INPUT to Terminal "N" from external switch
3. open-collector logic OUTPUT from Terminal "N" to an active TTL
logic system; and
4. open-collector logic OUTPUT from Terminal "N" to drive an external
relay or TRIAC controller (including the Model 9398 and 9399
Solid State Relays).