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Similarly to creating a “Stripe Set”, the first thing to do here is to select the
block size. Then select the “source” drive as well as the other drives to form the
“Mirror-Stripe Set” from the drives available.
Afterwards, you will have to specify
whether the data blocks are to be copied
from the “source” drive onto the RAID
set (thus deleting existing data on the
other drives) or whether the RAID set is
to be newly initialized (thus deleting
data on all concerned drives).
Once you have made your
selection, you will be ultimately asked
for confirmation by way of a “Yes”/
”No” query. Only now will the RAID
set with the selected settings be
created or the process itself is
Creating a “Spare Drive”
All you have to do here is select the “Spare Drive” from the drives available
and confirm your selection by way of a “Yes”/”No” query. The selected drive will
then be configured as “Spare Drive”. From then on, the drive is no longer
identifiable by the operating system, thus rendering usual read/write access onto
this drive impossible as well.