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Creating a “Stripe Set”
The first thing to be done is to specify the
number of drives and the block size. The most
favorable setting depends on the way you use
your computer. If it is used as a database
server, for instance, a small block size is
recommended, whereas video edit requires a
huge block size. For standard applications, a
setting halfway in between is best suited.
Then you have to select the “source” drive as well as the other drives to form
the “Stripe Set” from the drives available. Now determine whether the data blocks
are to be copied from the “source” drive onto the RAID set, thus causing existing
data on the other drives to be deleted, or whether the “Stripe Set” is to be newly
initialized, thus causing data on all participating drives to be deleted.
Once you have made your
selection, you will be ultimately
asked for confirmation by way of a
“Yes”/”No” query. Only now will the
RAID set with the selected settings
be created or the process itself is
Creating a “Mirror-Stripe Set”
This RAID type consists of a combination
of a “Mirror” and a “Stripe” set with two drives
each; that is, four drives in all. In the process,
drives #0 and #1 as well as drives #2 and #3
form a stripe set each. These stripes are united
in a “Mirror-Stripe Set” by mirroring drive #0 on
#2 and drive #1 on #3.