Check SIM Sensor Connections
Check SIM Sensor Connections
The SIM is located in the housing on the front of the ISS station. The SIM contains all the
connections for the weather sensors of the ISS. Check the SIM to ensure that all sensors
are connected properly.
Open the SIM Box
1. Locate the white box with the solar panel
containing the SIM on the front of the
ISS unit.
2. Locate the white tab at the bottom center
of the SIM box cover.
3. Lift the tab away from the box while slid-
ing the cover up.
Look on the side of the SIM box. The
box cover can be easily removed from
the box when the alignment indicator on
the cover is lined up with the alignment
indicator on the box
4. Lift the cover off the box,
being careful
not to stress the solar panel cable.
The SIM and sensor connectors are
visible once the SIM cover has been
See “SIM Board Display and Contents” on page 30 for information on locating the components
and points of interest on the SIM board.
Optional: Disconnect the solar panel
The solar panel on the box cover is
connected to the SIM by a wire. If the
cover can not be set aside while still
connected to the SIM box safely, it
should be disconnected from the SIM
box. To disconnect the solar power
1. Locate the red connector for the solar
power wire.
2. Pull the connector outward off the red
solar power tab. The solar panel is no
longer connected to the SIM.
3. Set the SIM cover aside.