Wireless ISS Assembly
The ISS has a wireless connection to a Vantage Pro2 wireless console. Once the
anemometer has been installed and the sensors have been checked, the ISS must be
powered and a wireless communication channel must be established between the ISS and
the console. Follow the steps below for powering the ISS and establishing a connection to
the console.
• Applying Power to a Wireless ISS
• Verifying Communications with the Console
• Verifying Data from the ISS Sensors
• Troubleshooting ISS Reception
Applying Power to a Wireless ISS
1. Insert the 3-volt lithium battery into the SIM.
Once powered, the ISS immediately begins transmitting data to the console.
The SIM stores energy from the solar panel for power at night. The battery is an alternative power
source the SIM uses when it is depleted of energy.
Be sure to match the “+” sign on the battery with the “+” sign on the SIM. See “SIM
Board Display and Contents” on page 30.
Checking Transmitter ID
A Vantage Pro2 console can receive data from up to eight different wireless stations.
The default transmitter ID for the ISS and
console is
In most cases it will not be necessary to
change the transmitter ID. The console and
ISS should begin communicating
automatically when power is applied.
If it is necessary to change the transmitter ID, remember to use the same ID for the ISS and con-
sole. See “Appendix A: Re-orienting the Wind Vane” on page 28. See “SIM Board Display and Con-
tents” on page 30 for locating the components and points of interest on the SIM board.
Verifying Communication with the Console
1. Power the console if it does not already have power. Refer to the
Vantage Pro2
Console Manual
and apply power the console.
The console automatically enters Setup Mode when powered up.
2. If the console is not in Setup Mode, press and hold DONE then press the down arrow.
The message RECEIVING FROM... and STATION NO. followed by the transmitter
IDs that the console detects displays on the console screen.
3. Look for the ISS transmitter ID. The number 1 displays unless the transmitter ID has
been changed. If the console displays the ISS transmitter ID, the ISS is being detected.
If the console does not display the number of the ISS transmitter ID setting, see “Troubleshooting
Wireless ISS Reception” on page 10 for more information.
Settings for Transmitter ID 1:
DIP Switch 1 = OFF
DIP Switch 2 = OFF
DIP Switch 3 = OFF