4. Connecting the power and pool pump to your
pH Controller
Connection diagram for the ESC pH Pump System
The ESC pH pump system should ideally be plumbed and connected up as
shown in the diagram below.
Never connect your pH pump direct to mains power. Always
connect it to the chlorinator power supply so it operates during the
preset filtration time cycles.
If your pool pump is plugged into your Chlorinator:
Step 1. Remove the pump plug from the Chlorinator pump power socket.
(Usually at the bottom of the Chlorinator)
Step 2. Plug the 3 pin male piggy back plug on your pH pump into the
Chlorinator pump power socket.
Step 3. Plug your pool pump into the female piggy back socket on the
back of the pH pump power socket.
Example of
NB: The pH probe must be located
before a heater or an electrolyser.