B E L K Q u i c k S t a r t G u i d e
v . 1 . 0 . 9 Known limitations
The following table reports the known limitations of the latest
XELK version, which will be solved for the next releases of the
development kit:
ETH0 interface
On BORAEVB, there is a mistake in the
connection of the center tap pins. They should be
separated from one another and connected
through separate 0.1 F common-mode
capacitors to ground (for further details (eg:
connection and selection of the magnetics),
please refer to the Micrel KSZ9031RNX
Yocto ubi-utils command
Some Yocto ubi-utils command line are in non
standard format. For ubimkvol and ubirmvol the
UBI device must be the last argument (e.g.
ubimkvol -m -N belk /dev/ubi0)
External DDR3 bank
The DDR3 SDRAM bank on the BORAEVB is not
supported in this BELK version
ETH1 interface
The additional Gigabit Ethernet interface (ETH1)
is not supported in this BELK version
Date/time retention is limited to about 4 hours
March, 2016