120 40515-100a
HiPR900 User Manual
About Dataradio
Dataradio is a leading designer and manufacturer of advanced wireless data products and systems for mis-
sion critical applications. Our products are found at the heart of mobile data and SCADA networks
around the world.
With over 20 years dedicated to data technology and innovation, Dataradio is the premier source for
wireless data solutions. Our products include mobile data products, telemetry devices, integrated wireless
modems for fixed point-to-point and point to multi-point applications, and OEMs. Our product line is one
of the broadest in the industry covering the most often-used frequency bands.
Dataradio provides product brochures, case studies software downloads and product information on our
website. Every effort is taken to provide accurate, timely product information in this user manual.
Product updates may result in differences between the information provided herein and the product
shipped. The information in this document is subject to change without notice.
DATARADIO is a registered trademark, Gemini-G3, Paragon, Paragon PD, Paragon-III and PARALLEL
DECODE are trademarks of Dataradio Inc