1.3.3 USB
The LYNX™ Reader requires the USB interface cable and the AC/DC power adapter
to be connected.
To install your reader to your host system, follow these instructions (see Figure 3
1. Insert the cable into the bottom of the handle of the LYNX™ reader.
2. Connect the power cord to the USB interface cable.
3. Connect the AC/DC power adapter at the wall outlet.
4. Once the reader is powered and BEFORE CONNECTING THE CABLE TO THE
PC, read the correct USB interface code for your application in par. 2.3 of this
5. Power up your PC and connect the USB interface cable to a free USB port. The
PC automatically recognizes the device and asks to install the device driver.
6. Install the USB driver on your PC (the first time only) to complete the connection.
For USB Bulk the relevant files and drivers must be installed from the CD-
ROM. See the “DLBulkUSB User Guide” file provided on the CD-ROM for
more information.
For USB COM the relevant files and drivers must be installed from the USB
Device Installation software which can be downloaded from the web page
For USB Keyboard and for USB Generic
HID the correct USB driver is
included in the Host Operating System and will either be loaded
automatically or will be suggested by the O.S. and should therefore be
selected from the dialog box.
Figure 3 – USB connection
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