SV01 ● Product Manual ● Rev. 1.1
5.8 Battery and Clear CMOS
The DM-SV01 server uses a non-volatile memory for keeping system configuration (CMOS data) when
power is removed. This memory is powered by an onboard lithium CR2032 battery.
The CMOS data can be cleared when necessary (clear CMOS process), causing the FW settings to go
back to its default state.
5.8.1 Clear CMOS procedure
1. Completely remove power from the system (remove the DM-SV01 server from the shelf).
2. Remove the mechanics from riser cards and cage E1.S in order to have access to the CMOS
Remove the jumper from the “Normal” position and place it in the “CLEAR CMOS” position
(please see Figure 87). Wait for approximately 10 seconds.
Remove the jumper from the “CLEAR CMOS” position and place it back in the “Normal” position
(please see Figure 87).
Warning: The non completion of this step will cause the host
processor to hang at the boot phase.
5. Assembly back the mechanics of the riser cards and cage E1.S.
6. Insert the DM-SV01 server back into the shelf so it is powered on again.
Figure 87: Clear CMOS
CMOS Jumper position
Default Setting: CMOS data is unchanged.
Clear CMOS
Clears CMOS data.
Table 21: Clear CMOS
5.8.2 Replacing the CMOS Battery
The procedure below must be followed to remove the CMOS battery.
1. Completely remove power from the system (removing the DM-SV01 server from the shelf).