Instructions for use
> Acute management of ankle sprains
> Injuries of the superficial tissues in the lower leg
> Stress fractures
> Fractures in the foot and ankle joint region
> Fractures in the metatarsal region
> Achilles tendon injuries
> Injuries in the forefoot, midfoot and hindfoot region
> Postoperative immobilization
> Strains and sprains of the lower leg, ankle or foot
> The FXPro Walker is not recommended when sensation in the foot and
ankle region is impaired.
FXPro Walker
Stabilising orthesis
1. Open the hook and loop straps, remove the inner shoe of the walker and
take out the hexagonal foam pad. (Figure 1)
2. Place the inner shoe around the leg and fasten it with the hook and loop
straps. (Figure 2)
3. To enter the walker safely, spread the medial and lateral splints using both
hands. (Figure 3)
4. Ensure when placing the foot in the walker that your heel is positioned
securely in the back of the shaft (heel). If necessary, open the hook and
loop straps on the back of the walker and close them to fit your lower
leg. Now close the hook and loop straps on the front (starting with
the straps close to the ankle). Ensure that the leg is comfortable in the
walker. (Figure 4)
Optional: Insertion of the foam pad (supplied as an accessory):
The four hexagonal pads (Figure A) are used to immobilise and pad the
ankle, thus allowing individual fitting. Place pads in areas where friction
needs to be reduced or excessive space needs to be filled.