Service Manual FCD 300
Release 01/2003
Revise 08/01/2003 by DD Service Manager, Steffen Sundbæk
Product Notes
For software updates see product note no 6
For description of modifications of the control plug see product note no 7
For description of the modification on the earth spring see product note no 8
Products notes can be found on Danfoss Drives intranet.
Tools needed
Torx screw driver TX20 for joining /splitting electronic part and installation part.
Torx screw driver TX10 for internal screws for fixing control card cassette and
printed circuit boards.
Torque wrench (0-5 Nm) with bits TX10 and TX20
LCP2 Control unit (175N0131)
LCP2 plug kit (175N2118)
LCP2 cable (175N0162)
Service tool kit
(175N2404, new tool under construction) gives access to all
electrical terminals during operation.
ESD protection kit - wristband and Portable Bench mat.
True RMS Digital Multimeter
True RMS Current Clamp
Analog voltmeter