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VISXA222 © Danfoss 04/16
RA2000 One Pipe Steam (1PS)
Thermostatic Radiator Valve
Cause / Issue
“Spitting” air vent
Check the pitch of the radiator
Fully open the supply valve
Check riser air vent for main system
Verify if excessive pressure is within system
Overheating within room
Ensure thermostatic operator is in an appropriate location
Move remote sensor or dial/sensor to a different location
The vacuum breaker mechanism may be clogged with debris
Verify if excessive pressure is within system
Under heating within room
Ensure thermostatic operator is in an appropriate location
Move remote sensor or dial/sensor to a different location
The air vent may be stuck closed
Check riser air vent for main system
Check the pitch of the radiator
Verify if excessive pressure is within system
The user can easily set room temperature by turning the dial clockwise or
counterclockwise. The diagram to the left shows the approximate relationship
between dial scale numbers and room temperature.
At its lowest setting, the RA 2000-1PS provides frost protection and maintains
room temperature at approximately 45
At its highest setting, the RA 2000-1PS maintains room temperature at
approximately 85
The temperature on all RA 2000-1PS models may be limited or locked (see
instructions included with specific operator for details on this procedure).