8 | AQ452531257528en-000201
© Danfoss | Climate Solutions | 2023.06
Areas of application
The compressors are filled at the factory with the following oil type:
lub E85
(only this oil may be used)
3.1 Refrigerants
R744: CO
(Recommendation CO
quality 4.5 (< 5 ppm H
3.2 Oil charge
ATTENTION Compressor operation is possible within the operating limits
shown in the diagrams. Please note the significance of the
shaded areas. Thresholds should not be selected as design or
continuous operation points.
- Permissible ambient temperature, operation (-20 °C) - (+60 °C).
- Permissible ambient temperature, depressurized (-40 °C) - (+90 °C).
- Suction gas superheat at compressor inlet > 10 K
- Max. permissible discharge end temperature 160 °C.
- Min. oil temperature during operation
30 °C.
- Min. oil temperature related to ambient tempe
- Min. pressure gas temperature
50 °C.
- Max. permissible switching frequency in mains operation 8x /h.
When operating in the vacuum range, there is a danger of air
entering on the suction side. This can cause chemical reactions,
a pressure rise in the condenser and an elevated compressed-gas
temperature. Prevent the ingress of air at all costs!
When operating with frequency converter:
- The application limits of the compressor operation with frequency
converter depend on the specific conditions of the refrigerating
plant and can deviate from the compressor's rated application
limits diagram. In particular, restrictions may arise due to the
maximum permissible hot gas temperature and the permissible
frequency of 12.5 - 75 Hz for the HRX40 and 12.5 - 65 Hz for the
- The maximum current and power consumption of the compressor
strictly may not be exceeded. The information on the name plate
refers to 400 V - 50 Hz (or 460 V - 60 Hz) in mains operation.
3.3 Limits of application
ATTENTION The end user has to ensure that the refrigeration system separates
oil and that the separated oil returns into the compressor. Lack of
oil impends compressor failure.